The Discipleship Cohort

Inviting and empowering young adults to encounter God in the Church and embody His Presence in the world.

About The Discipleship Cohort

The Discipleship Cohort at All Saints Church is designed to usher young adults into greater intimacy with the Triune God, so that they might know the riches of His delight, the immeasurable greatness of His power, and the present and future hope to which He has called them. The nine-month program from September 1st to May 31st is designed to run parallel to the participant’s personal work or study. Some participants hope to pursue vocational ministry while others hope to pursue various callings in industry, the academy, or the marketplace. Some are in seasons of discernment between clear callings, some are currently living and working into a clear calling, and others are in seasons of uncertainty. Some participants are couples who are dating or married, and others are single. At the end of the program, we hope that all participants can say that they have tasted and seen that God truly is good.

Each year, Cohort members craft a corporate rule of life that fosters communion with God, cultivates self-awareness, empowers the members for fruitful work, and encourages authentic relationships with those around them. The Cohort gathers weekly for teaching and prayer led by the ministry leaders. Participants meet monthly with a ministry leader for one-on-one discipleship and encouragement, and they also serve twice a month on Sunday mornings in various capacities. These commitments amount to an average of 5-7 hours per week. In order to ensure the intimacy of the group, the Cohort is limited to twelve members who are either commuters or residents on the campus of All Saints Church.

The Discipleship Cohort Logistics

As the focus of the program is to disciple young adults at All Saints Church, the program requires that participants would be regular attenders at All Saints Church. The Discipleship Cohort offers co-ed housing in Amesbury, MA, for up to seven non-married participants. For those who are accepted into the Resident track of the Cohort, there will be monthly rent payments required.

While The Discipleship Cohort at All Saints Church is only a nine-month commitment, participants in the program will have the option to participate in the Cohort for one or two years. This decision can be made at the end of the first year and need not be made in advance. The ministry leaders seek to meet people wherever they are. The first year of the program tends to be a season of Receiving. As we grow in intimacy with God, there is often much healing to be had. Many of us are burnt out from ministry, still processing personal family systems, unsure of our calling, or even unsure of the goodness of God. It is important that participants enter this first year vulnerably willing to receive leadership and care from the ministry leaders. There will surely be opportunities and invitations to serve, but we want the emphasis to be on the participants’ healing and restoration.

2025-2026 Discipleship Cohort Applications

Applications for the 2025-2026 Cohort will be available late winter 2025, and we will conduct the admissions process on a rolling basis with final decisions being made late spring. If you are interested in learning more about The Discipleship Cohort at All Saints Church, take a look at the 2024-2025 Expectations & Logistics.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to NextGen Pastor Jeff Wojcicki. We want to help you discern what the Lord has for you next, whether or not that is as a member of The Discipleship Cohort at All Saints Church. Our hope is to help young adults discover God’s unique call on their lives and to join Him in the renewal of all things, knowing that His mission goes far beyond our church.


Many students really struggle to transition into the working world, especially if they are leaving strong college communities. St. Aidan’s has been a place and community that breathed renewed spiritual life into this first year out of college. It has been a place of support that has provided purpose and hope in a time that is frequently marked by the feeling of purposelessness.
— Bryn Wicklas, '22
The Cohort has offered an accelerated season of growth for me in several ways. Throughout the program, the Lord has consistently drawn me into a more authentic intimacy with Him and community with others, and from that place I’ve learned a lot about myself. I will always look back on this season as deeply catalytic for my spiritual maturity.
— Nicholas Friend, '22

Meet the Ministry Leaders