Our Leadership Team

Get to know some of our ministry leaders


Our Leadership Team

Clergy & STaff


the Rev. CN. Ross Kimball Interim Rector


Ross came to faith in Jesus while walking down the street in Portland, Maine one Saturday morning in 1978. A lawyer by profession, Ross answered the call to ordained ministry in 2008 and was ordained deacon by Bishop Murdoch and priest by the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Kenya. After serving as a bi-vocational priest in diocesan churches and in various capacities at the diocesan level, he retired from the law in 2018 to serve as Canon to the Ordinary for Bishop Andrew. Formerly a parishioner at All Saints, Ross has returned to serve as our Director of Pastoral Care and Interim Priest.


Rev. Martha Learned Deacon


Martha recommitted her life to Jesus while singing the hymn “Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured,” during Lent 1999 at All Saints Church. Three years later she left her work as a program manager in the Aerospace Industry to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit to discern her next steps. In 2004, sensing a call to further serve the Lord, she enrolled as a student at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. In 2007 she received her Masters of Divinity, and in 2008 was ordained to the permanent diaconate. In addition to her role as deacon, Martha also serves as a spiritual director and hospice chaplain.


The Rev. Cn. Dr. SusiE SkilleN Priest In Residence


Susie was trained as a spiritual director through the Shalem Institute, and has been leading in this vocation for over 25 years. She received her M. Div. and D. Min. in Spiritual Formation from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She currently serves our Diocese as the Canon for Spiritual Formation, and founded Holy Conversations, a training course for spiritual directors through ADNE. Susie has taught spiritual formation in a variety of settings, and has led dozens of retreats in New England, Italy and England.


Rev. Scott Purswell Deacon


After a career of starting and running small businesses, Scott, father of three and grandfather of eight, felt the call to the Diaconate. Raised in the South, Scott went on to receive his Masters in Christian Ministries and Counseling from Wheaton Graduate School. He moved to New England in 1993, which seems like plenty of time to have lost his accent, which inexplicably, he hasn't. Scott reminds us that God promises He will assemble the nations, all nations! After hearing one of Robertson McQuilken’s sermons, the words branded a mark in Scott: "The desire to serve can be the call." A life verse for Scott is Isaiah's answer to God's question of "Whom shall I send?"... "Send me".


Rev. Jeff Wojcicki
Nextgen pastor & Deacon


Jeff loves to see people running the race that the Lord has set before them. His passion is for helping people to know the love of the Father, the lordship of Jesus, and the comforting presence of the Spirit. Jeff received from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary a M.A. in Religion with a concentration in Spiritual Formation. Jeff currently oversees all of our youth ministries - from kids through young adults, his hope is to help raise up the next generation of disciples.

Read more about Jeff




Nicholas came to faith at age 20, and has had a heart for ministry and the local church ever since. In 2020 he graduated from Gordon College, completing his degree in Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries. Soon after, he joined the Discipleship Cohort at All Saints, and joined staff as the Parish Administrator. His desire is to see the people of God flourish holistically: physically, spiritually, emotionally, and relationally.

Read more about Nicholas


JOEL ZEIGLER Sexton & Maintenance Coordinator





Elena Williams Director of Prayer life

Connect with Elena


Teal Wojcicki Director of Adult Formation

Connect with Teal


Melissa Staude Lead, Hospitality & Connections

Connect with Melissa


Joan McKean Pastoral Care assistant

Connect with Joan


KATHIE Leblanc LEAD, PRAYER APPointments

Connect with Kathie


Harrison “HaP” Eid Lead sound technician

Connect with Hap


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The Vestry

The Vestry is a ministry of members who have responsibility for overseeing the finances, legal concerns, and property. The Vestry stewards the resources of the community in order to support our mission. They are responsible for executing the mission of the church in collaboration with the Rector. Members serve 3-year terms and are elected at annual meetings. If you have a question or concern, please feel free to reach out to them at vestry@allsaintsamesbury.org.

Senior Warden – Ms. Salome Palmer
Junior Warden – Mrs. Linee Baird
Clerk – Mr. Paul Gonnella
Treasurer – Mr. Ryan Hulbert, treasurer@allsaintsamesbury.org
Members-at-Large – Mrs. Stephanie Higgins, Mrs. Clarissa Moll, Mr. Rene Valiquet, Mr. Grant Veurink

For Vestry-related questions or to get in-touch with a member, email vestry@allsaintsamesbury.org