Mark your calendars: upcoming events

Scroll down to view our list of upcoming events and important dates, or click here to access a calendar-view of the next month at-a-glance.

Feast & Feast

Feast & Feast

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 All young adults are invited to join us from 7-9 PM for an evening of feasting! First, we'll enjoy a home-cooked meal and then we'll feast on the Lord’s Presence in worship & prayer. Register here!

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Floodgate Cross Prayer Gathering

Floodgate Cross Prayer Gathering

The Floodgate Cross has been making its way across New England, visiting churches in our diocese since April 27th! When the cross reaches each parish, the congregation gathers to pray for reawakening in their communities and across New England! The Floodgate Cross will make its stop at All Saints on Thursday, October 3rd. We will host a prayer gathering in our sanctuary from 6:30-8:30 PM to pray for revival in the northeast, for a move of the Holy Spirit in our churches and for peace in our troubled world.

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ADNE Reawakening Conference
to Oct 19

ADNE Reawakening Conference

Join us for the 4th annual Reawakening Conference!

with the Anglican Diocese in New England as we explore our 2024 Theme: “GROWING IN THE GOSPEL”

October 18-19, 2024 | Hope Community Church, Newburyport, MA

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All Saints Day

All Saints Day

Our church's patronal feast day, All Saints' Day, is on Sunday, November 3rd! After the service, we'll celebrate with food and music! The church will supply desserts and drinks, and all are invited to bring a snack of their choosing! See you then, Saints! 

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Feast & Feast

Feast & Feast

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 08 All young adults are invited to join us from 7-9 PM for an evening of feasting! First, we'll enjoy a home-cooked meal and then we'll feast on the Lord’s Presence in worship & prayer. Register here!

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Christ the King Sunday | Greening the Church

Christ the King Sunday | Greening the Church

Join us for Christ the King Sunday, the last day of the liturgical calendar! After the service, stick around to deck the halls (no, please don’t deck Mary Hall)! We’ll break out the greens to decorate inside and outside the sanctuary, and we’ll need all hands on deck (pun intended)! 

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Prayer Training Session: Intercession

Prayer Training Session: Intercession

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Elena Williams, All Saints' Director of Prayer Life, will be teaching on intercession.  She'll be answering questions such as “If God is all-powerful, why does He need us to pray?” Come & learn how we can pray more effectively for our families, our communities and our world. This session is open to anyone - beginners or those seasoned in prayer! 9:00 AM - 12:30!

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Launch Sunday

Launch Sunday

Our services are back to a 10:00 AM start time and Adult Formation + Kids Ministry are back in-session starting Sunday, September 8th! Kids check-in begins at 8:45 AM downstairs in the undercroft, and Adult Formation begins at 9:00 AM!

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Arts Collective Info Session

Arts Collective Info Session

This information session is primarily set to regather as a community and announce the Fall Theme. If you cannot make it to the first date, no stress! Artist feedback will begin on September 25th. For the three Workshops, your ticket of admission will once again be a piece of art. This year, we are setting the expectation that in order to present your work at the Arts Cafe, you must participate in at least two of the three workshops, so please keep that in mind. We’re looking forward to making art together again so soon!

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Mondays in the Garden

Mondays in the Garden

Join the Garden Team every other Monday night for an hour of tending to the field! We'll plant, prune, tend, weed, and harvest all summer long! There's something for all skill levels and abilities, so all are welcome! If you're interested and would like to be kept in the loop, reach out to Nick at: Come to one Monday or come for them all: June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22, August 5, August 19, Sept 9.

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Mondays in the Garden

Mondays in the Garden

Join the Garden Team every other Monday night for an hour of tending to the field! We'll plant, prune, tend, weed, and harvest all summer long! There's something for all skill levels and abilities, so all are welcome! If you're interested and would like to be kept in the loop, reach out to Nick at: Come to one Monday or come for them all: June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22, August 5, August 19. 

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Parish Picnic

Parish Picnic

SUNDAY, AUGUST 4TH - Join us for the first Parish Picnic of the Summer! Following the service, we'll head outside for a time of fellowship, food, and fun! Sign-up to bring a side, salad, or dessert by clicking “Parish Picnic” above or by visiting the connections table on Sunday.

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Rectory Work Day

Rectory Work Day

The Rectory Renewal project is officially underway! The first Rectory Work Day will be on Saturday, July 27th from 8:00 AM - noon, and all are invited to join! Karoline Niles, who is serving as the project manager for the Rectory Renewal, has designed these work days to accomodate all skill levels! The first stage of the project is cleaning the second floor and part of the first floor to prepare the house for painting. All materials and lunch will be provided, so just bring yourself! If you're able to make it for some or all of the time, please sign-up at the link below. 

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Mondays in the Garden

Mondays in the Garden

Join the Garden Team every other Monday night for an hour of tending to the field! We'll plant, prune, tend, weed, and harvest all summer long! There's something for all skill levels and abilities, so all are welcome! If you're interested and would like to be kept in the loop, reach out to Nick at: Come to one Monday or come for them all: June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22, August 5, August 19. 

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Mondays in the Garden

Mondays in the Garden

Join the Garden Team every other Monday night for an hour of tending to the field! We'll plant, prune, tend, weed, and harvest all summer long! There's something for all skill levels and abilities, so all are welcome! If you're interested and would like to be kept in the loop, reach out to Nick at: Come to one Monday or come for them all: June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22, August 5, August 19. 

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Mondays in the Garden

Mondays in the Garden

Join the Garden Team every other Monday night for an hour of tending to the field! We'll plant, prune, tend, weed, and harvest all summer long! There's something for all skill levels and abilities, so all are welcome! If you're interested and would like to be kept in the loop, reach out to Nick at: Come to one Monday or come for them all: June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22, August 5, August 19. 

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Prayer & Worship Night

Prayer & Worship Night

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th - Join us for an evening of prayer & worship from 6:30-8:00 PM! We'll gather to collectively fix our eyes on Jesus and to pray for our parish, the search committee, and our next rector! There will be four prayer stations set-up in the sanctuary, and each will relate to a different area of prayer. We hope to see you there! Reach out to if you have any questions!

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ADNE Missional Planning Conference
to Jun 14

ADNE Missional Planning Conference

Staff and other leaders from our church will gather with other leaders from across the diocese on our campus to draft their 12-Month Missional Plans! Be holding the conference and our church’s leadership in prayer this week!

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Mondays in the Garden

Mondays in the Garden

Join the Garden Team every other Monday night for an hour of tending to the field! We'll plant, prune, tend, weed, and harvest all summer long! There's something for all skill levels and abilities, so all are welcome! If you're interested and would like to be kept in the loop, reach out to Nick at: Come to one Monday or come for them all: June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22, August 5, August 19. 

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Pentecost Sunday | All Parish Meeting

Pentecost Sunday | All Parish Meeting

SUNDAY, MAY 19th - Join us for our Pentecost service! After the service, we'll have an all-parish meeting where we'll hear some exciting new updates from the Vestry and enjoy lunch together. We'll be catering in lunch, and we're asking everyone to bring a side (salad, chips, etc.), drinks, or dessert to share! More information to come soon.

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Spring Work Day

Spring Work Day

SATURDAY, MAY 18th - The All-Parish Spring Work Day is just around the corner on Saturday, May 18th from 8:00 AM to Noon. We'll be working on several projects around our campus, both inside and outside, and we need your help to accomplish these tasks! We'll have a garden team, a landscaping team, a cleaning team, and an R&M team! Sign-up here or on the back table on Sunday morning!

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Feast & Feast

Feast & Feast

All young adults and teens are welcome to join us for the last Feast & Feast of the Spring semester! First, we’ll enjoy a beautiful home-cooked meal together, and then we’ll feast on the Lord’s presence in worship. Register for the link below!

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Spring Arts Cafe

Spring Arts Cafe

Join us for the Spring Arts Cafe on Wednesday, April 17th from 6:30-8:30 PM! The Arts Collective at All Saints has been hard at work over the last 3+ months, creating written, visual, and musical pieces of art. The artists created works around the theme “His Voice Shook The Earth,” emerging from Matthew 27:50-54 and Hebrews 12:25-28! Join us as we take time to witness this showcase of the work of these artist’s hands.

6:30-7:15 PM - Hors d'oeuvres and drinks are served, as we make our way through the sanctuary galleries

7:15-8:30 PM - Program begins

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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

The celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ's resurrection continues at 10:00 AM! Come and worship with us, and invite your family and friends to join in as well!

Adult Formation & All Saints Kids will not meet on Easter Sunday.

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Holy Saturday Service

Holy Saturday Service

The Great Vigil is the pinnacle of Holy Week and the whole Christian calendar because at the end of the service we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord! This service, largely led by the kids of All Saints Church, is a beautiful evening of walking through the narrative arc of God's story in rescuing his people. Immediately after the vigil, we'll break our Lenten fasts together with hors d'oeuvres, desserts, and drinks!

This service was previously announced to begin at 7:30, but that was incorrect - the service will begin at 7:00, along with all the other evening services during Holy Week.

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Good Friday Service

Good Friday Service

All are welcome to join us at the church at noon for The Stations of the Cross. Our Good Friday service begins at 7:00 PM - we ask that you enter in silence for this service. There will be no kids ministry or nursery offered for this service. 

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Palm Sunday Service

Palm Sunday Service

Join us for our Palm Sunday service on March 24th! We'll begin the Liturgy of the Palms outside in the garden (weather permitting) and make our way into the sanctuary for the first service of Holy Week! We recommend arriving 10 minutes before the service begins, so that you're not driving in as the processional begins in the parking lot. 

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Arts Collective Workshop (3 of 3)

Arts Collective Workshop (3 of 3)

The final workshop of the spring arts collective will be on the evening of 03/20! Bring the progress you’ve made on your (hopefully nearly-complete) piece for the final round of feedback in small group breakouts! See you there!

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Feast & Feast

Feast & Feast

All young adults and teens are welcome to join us for an evening of feasting! First, we’ll enjoy a beautiful home-cooked meal together, and then we’ll feast on the Lord’s presence in worship. Register for the feast at

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Second Sunday Soup

Second Sunday Soup

Join us for second sunday soup on March 10th, following the service! Sign-up for the potluck by visiting the link below!

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