Feast & Feast

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” - Acts 2:42



These evenings are an opportunity for Young Adults from across the North Shore to gather for an evening of feasting. First, we enjoy a beautiful home-cooked meal together, and then we feast on the Presence of God in worship & prayer. We view these feasts as an opportunity for our church to bless and pour into young adults & college students. Come and Feast!


2024-2025 FEASTS


*The January 24th Feast & Feast will be hosted by young adults for the congregants of All Saints Church! This night is about blessing those who serve so faithfully at these events and in our church!



Come and Feast!

Let us know you’re coming by clicking on the date of the feast you’re registering for (listed above). We don't require any sort of payment for the dinner, but many give an $8.00 donation to help cover the cost of food. If you’d like to give towards the feast, click the button below.