Enter God’s Story.


Your story isn’t all there is

The Christian God is a Trinity, an eternal and joyful community of persons:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and we humans were made in that image.  We were made for community, we were made for love: for relationship with God and others.  However, that image in each of us, has been broken, twisted, and trampled on by millennia of human will and self-determination. Our individual stories are often riddled with death, pain, disappointment, broken relationships, and at times hopelessness. But your story isn’t all there is, there’s another story that began before you were born.  The story continues to be written right now... it’s God’s story:


The Christian hope is that Jesus is coming back in order to restore all things, put all the pieces back together, reconciling them back to God, and making them flourish; he will bring heaven to earth.  At this moment God is inviting us to join this story by allowing ourselves to be reconciled to and re-created in God.  The entryway into this story is knowing Jesus.  When you know Jesus, you find your true self: loved by the One who created, pursued, and fought for you, so that you might reach your fullest unique human potential, restored to God’s image, re-created for love. 


This is who we are in terms of the way we worship together. Every church has their own “style” whether they be Baptist, Roman Catholic, or Pentecostal. We want to express the hallmarks of Anglican worship – rooted in history, otherness, beauty, and transcendence – encountering both the immanence (nearness) and transcendence (mystery) of God. As the third largest Christian expression in the world, and the largest Protestant group, Anglicans are a multi-ethnic, multicultural, multi-national family with an especially strong presence in Africa.

Check out our Worship Page for more information on Anglican worship

More information about our Faith:

Read the 7 Fundamental Declarations of the Anglican Church in North America
Read the Jerusalem Declaration from the Global Anglican Future Conference
We are a church in the Anglican Diocese of New England, a diocese of the Anglican Church in North America.


We are a small gathering of God’s people, the new humanity, the world-wide Body of Christ, the new creation, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, and the hope of the world. We are weak and broken people who don’t have it all together, but we desire God and desire to follow in the way of Jesus. We are not just a community, a worship service, a do-good agency, a social club, or a group of friends. We are a community that exists for the renewal of all things.