ALL SAINTS KIDS Building the Frame

8:45 AM check-in in the Undercroft

Nursery Staff are available for 0-3 year-olds


Who am I? Who are we? Where do we fit in the story of Creation? Who is God? Where are we going?

In some sense, the questions of children are not so different than the questions of adults. We are all trying to make sense of our existence.  

ALL SAINTS kids seeks to create space for kids to encounter the eternal through worship, teaching, prayer, and practices. We do not want to entertain our children and squash their curiosity and imagination. We want to enter into the unknown together, hoping and expecting to taste and see that the Lord is good. As storytelling and play are the work of the child, we hope to create space for this exploration and build the framework of a Christian worldview. God has created out of the fullness of His love and has given us a beautiful narrative, Jesus has opened the door into relationship with the Triune God through his death and resurrection, and the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in His people. May our kids know our God, and in knowing Him, may they know His peace, hope, and love.

What does a typical Sunday morning look like?

8:45 AM - Check-In. Kids are welcomed into the ALL SAINTS kids space after parents check them in. Kids receive a name tag that includes a security code and the parent’s phone number, and parents receive a security label.

9:00 AM Exploration. Kids engage in embodied activities and games. We encourage the exploration of the aesthetic. “And God saw that it was beautiful.” Beauty points to goodness and light. Beauty is found in painting, in storytelling, in songs of joy, in working the garden, and in guarding the goodness of God within humanity and all of Creation.

9:45 AM Snack Time. Kids get a transitional break to eat food and hang out (just like the adults in Adult Formation!) before they participate in their own kid oriented worship service downstairs.

10:00 AM - Worship. We love to worship the Lord, and we are excited to worship with the kids in a manner that engages their hearts, minds, and bodies.

10:20 AM - Connection. In groups of three, kids spend time listening to one another and sharing stories from their week. We want to be a people who reflect and remember, both the joyful moments in our lives and the difficult moments. This often leads into a time of prayer in which we listen to God, praise Him, lament with Him, and express our gratitude.

10:40 AM Teaching. We want to build a frame for our kids to understand where we have come from, where we are, and where we are going. We believe that our telos, our understanding of where Creation and humanity are headed, deeply impacts the way in which we live our lives. Ultimately, this frame has been given by God in order for us to enter into relationship with Him through Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

11:00 AM Worship Service. Kids are brought back to their families during the service in order to participate as a family in the Eucharist and the response of worship and prayer.

ALL SAINTS kids serves Infants through 12 year-olds. Infants through 3 year-olds are welcomed into the Nursery while 4 year-olds and older participate in ALL SAINTS kids worship, teaching, and exploration. We work hard to keep our kids safe and to keep our parents comfortable.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! Email our NextGen Pastor, Jeff Wojcicki.