Next Steps:
Where do you find yourself?

I’m Curious

Maybe you’re not sure how you feel about God, or Jesus, or the Church, or even faith in general. That’s okay. We have various ways of connecting while you explore - meeting with a pastor, attending a Newcomers Breakfast, or participating in a community group.

Newcomer’s Breakfast

We host quarterly Newcomers Breakfasts for all who are new to All Saints. Whether you’re not sure if the church is where you belong or if you’ve decided to call our church “home,” we invite you to come! Nothing is off the table at these breakfasts, and your questions about God, the Anglican tradition, or our church are welcome! The next Newcomers Breakfast is TBD.

Coffee with a Pastor

If you’re a newcomer, one of our Pastors would love to connect with you! They want to know how they can come alongside you, wherever you are in your journey with God. If you would like to meet with a pastor for a no-pressure conversation over a cup of coffee, send us an email!

Reach out

I’m Exploring

Everyone has questions. Maybe you’re ready to explore faith and your own questions in a non-judgmental space, or maybe you’re even ready to begin a relationship with God and encounter Him and his love for you in deeper ways.

Coffee with a pastor

If you’re a newcomer, one of our Pastors would love to connect with you! If you would like to meet with a pastor for a no-pressure conversation over coffee, send us an email.

Reach Out

Community Groups

If you are looking to follow Jesus is community with other believers, community groups are a great way to do that. Especially if you’re not sure how you feel about church.

Learn More



I Belong Here


If you have begun a relationship with God, we want to support your journey and give you some tools and paradigms that will help you grow as a missional disciple (or follower of Jesus) in the Anglican Way.

Threshold Class

You will learn about the vision of All Saints’, our Anglican identity with its unique rhythms of life, craft your own rule of life, and discover your own gifts and purpose in the life of the Church and Jesus’ mission. This class is a preparation for baptism, confirmation, and membership, but even if you don’t have that intention, it is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn! Threshold is open to all.

Course Start Date TBD

Baptism & Confirmation

We welcome everyone — adults, children, and infants — into the family of God through Baptism.

In Confirmation, God, through the bishop’s prayer for daily increase in the Holy Spirit, strengthens the baptized believer for a fruitful life as a member of the community on mission with Jesus.

Learn More