Sacramental Rites

Baptism, Confirmation, & Holy Matrimony


The Sacrament of HOLY Baptism

We welcome everyone — adults, students, children, and infants — into the family of God through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. In baptism we are united to Christ in his death and resurrection, become members in the Church, receive God's grace and forgiveness, and are blessed with new life in the Holy Spirit. 

If you are an older child, teen, or adult (age 8+) that intends to be baptized, we invite you to fill out the application linked below. Please review The Apostles Creed prior to completing your application.

If you would like your infant or young child (7 years or younger) to be baptized, in preparation please review the vows you will make contained within the “Presentation” and “Profession of Faith” sections in the Baptismal Liturgy, as well as the requirements outlined below, prior to filling out an application.

Requirements for Infant and small child baptism:

1) At least one parent or primary guardian must be a baptized Christian, living in repentance and faith while regularly involved in a local church, and joyfully consent to the child’s baptism.

2) Parent(s) or guardian must receive instruction regarding Holy Baptism for their child prior to baptism.

3) In collaboration with the pastoral staff, there must be a plan for the child’s instruction in the Christian faith, and regular, in-person participation in the life of a local church.

4) If Godparents are chosen, they must be committed, baptized Christians, living in repentance and faith, who agree to come alongside the parents to nurture the children in the Christian faith. If the parents should die before their children reach adulthood, Godparents agree to oversee and ensure their spiritual formation in a Christian church. As a result, they too will make vows and reaffirm their profession of faith along with the parents or guardians.


The sacramental rite of confirmation

In Confirmation, God, through the bishop’s prayer for daily increase in the Holy Spirit, strengthens the believer for Christian life in the service of Christ and his kingdom. Grace is God’s gift, and we pray that he will pour out his Holy Spirit on those who have already been made his children by adoption and grace in Baptism. Confirmation is a prerequisite for Vestry leadership, staff, and ministry leadership.

If you have been confirmed in another denomination in Apostolic Succession (such as the Roman Catholic Church) you will be invited to be “received” by the Bishop into the Anglican Communion after reaffirming your Baptismal vows.

In order to be confirmed or received, you must attend “Threshold” classes, as well as read and subscribe to the Jerusalem Declaration and Duties of the Laity prior to filling out the application below!


the sacramental rite of Holy Matrimony

Marriage Preparation at All Saints

We love marriage. There is no other human relationship that reflects the nature of the TriuneGod more than the union of husband and wife in both body and soul. For it is from this unique God more than the union of husband and wife in both body and soul. For it is from this unique possibility of co-creation with God – the gift of children. The family is therefore a signpost pointing to the author of love who Himself is a community of love - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and from whose ecstatic union creation is born. The gift of marriage is rooted in creation, being signified by our bodies, and serving as the creative cornerstone for human flourishing – especially when husband and wife are filled with the Spirit and committed to follow Jesus as life-long disciples for the upbuilding of Christ’s kingdom in family, church, and society, to the praise of his holy name. Therefore, marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purpose for which it was ordained by Almighty God. (Book of Common Prayer 2019, p. 202)

For this reason, we have formed a robust required preparation for marriage that will bless you! We promise! Both persons must be baptized and committed followers of Jesus as expressed by:

  • Regular attendance at All Saints for at least one year prior to the marriage ceremony

  • Givers of record

  • Active participation in our discipleship life at All Saints

  • Marriage Preparation

    • (The five components to your preparation can be easily engaged concurrently…)

The Alpha Pre-Marriage Course – you will be equipped to communicate effectively and lovingly and be provided a support couple who will walk you through your couples survey results, pray with and serve you over five sessions.

Finance – you will be equipped in budgeting, debt freedom, savings, planning and investment for the future starting now!

Two meetings with the officiating Priest

  • On the Sacramental Rite and Covenant

  • Liturgical planning for the big day!



i. Together, fill out the Application for Holy Matrimony:

ii. Review pp. 198-214 in the Book of Common Prayer, specifically the Declaration of Intent on p. 200

iii. Review our Event Registration Form

Questions? Reach out to us!